Friday, February 28, 2014

Sewing Withdraws

I've been bumming around on Pinteret lately and it's really making me want to start sewing again. x___x but i want to wait until we move to ur new house next month to start. plus i need money for fabric and stuff. My aunt bought me a sewing box plus a bunch of supplies for Christmas and i have to just sit there and look at it everyday. ;___; i'm ready to start making clothes again... sad face. this blog will be so much more active once i'm able to. which would be awesome because i'd love more followers...

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Past My Due Date. (pregnancy rant)

welp, Ayden is officially 2 days late. :c i've been trying to naturally induce labor since Saturday morning but nothing has fully worked. he's starting to be as stubborn as his daddy, haha.

i just wish everyone would get off my back about having him! it's only Wednesday and i've already had 3 people stop by the house to see if i've had him yet. Like, WHAT. THE. HECK. MAN? if u haven't made a Facebook post or called you yet, what makes you think i've had him? -.- aside from that, i also get countless facebook messages daily from friends, family, and in-laws asking if i'm in labor yet. i know these are meant with good intentions and i'm sure they have nooo idea they're all coming at me once, but it's starting to really piss me off... Blayne and i have made it VERY clear that we'll call and post it to facebook when i go into labor. so it's only natural for me to get pissy when i'm constantly being interrogated about how much i've dilated or how far Ayden has dropped.

it's really putting a lot of stress on me. these people act like i can just magically make myself go into labor. i have enough to worry about without the added fear of people randomly dropping by my house to inquire about my baby. i think i deserve peace, quiet,relaxation, and the last few days i have alone with my husband. it's not going to be just the two of us for at least 18 more years. i just want to enjoy what little bit of alone time we have left but apparently the rest of world can't respect that.

on a good note, i might be getting a new laptop later today. c: i'm not getting my hopes up because we've ran into a little bad luck the past couple of days. but i'm trying to remain excited!